Omar Khayyam

Mgr. Lenka Uherová, PCC


GrowMe brings together specialists and experts in its field and brings them to the corporate world, because together we believe that we can not only expand mental health education and care, but also want to create a healthy resilient and productive society that moves evolution of human potention even further.


From our experience in many multinational organizations, we create trainings and workshops tailored to current topics in a specific organization. For example, there may be a general problem in the management team that affects the entire team or department in the company. It also happens that we find out that many employees deal with the problem of procrastination or taking too much responsibility, or have few skills in conflict resolution or stress management.


I have been very interested in people since I was little, and the more I learn about them, the more they fascinate me. What they feel, why they feel it, how they behave and why they behave that way, what they need for themselves and how they achieve it, why they don’t achieve it… I help my clients to find the same curiosity, desire and courage to learn as much as possible about themselves. I like to guide them on this journey because I believe that a person can get find everything they need for themselves inside of their selves, and my task is to do as much as possible so that they can explore and obtain these resources and abilities. And not only with the goal to understand and become an expert on themselves, decode their ” personal users manual” correctly. But at the same time, so that they are able to create satisfied and fulfilling relationships with the people in their lives, with the world they live in, with their work, with their interests and above all, to cultivate the most important relationship we have in life – relationship to oneself.

  • State Exams in psychology and research in the field of clinical psychology (depression of mothers after childbirth in relation to the developing attachment with the child) completed at the Faculty of Social Affairs and Health Sciences in Nitra.
  • She completed a two-year clinical internship at the Psychiatric Clinic for Adults at the Faculty Hospital in Nitra under the supervision of MuDr. Boris Čech
  • She worked as a psychologist under the supervision of the RETEDIA Clinical Psychologist Outpatient Clinic, where she focused mainly on psychodiagnostics, research and group intervention under the guidance of PhDr. Petr Klubert, PhD.
  • Completed long-term (4.5-year) psychotherapy training in PCA (person centered approach) based on the philosophy of Carl R. Rogers at the PCA Institute in Brno.
  • She completed a 1.5-year training in Body-psychotherapy under the guidance of Eli Weidenfeld, senior trainer of the European School of Biodynamic Psychology and Body-Centered Psychotherapy (ESBPE), who specializes in verbal and non-verbal therapeutic methods and vegetotherapy.
  • She is a participant in ongoing training in psycho-trauma therapy led by Eli Weidenfeld focused on working with morning and pre-verbal trauma through a body-oriented approach.
  • She graduated with the PCC (professional certified coach) international 1.5-year education in business coaching in the philosophy of Transactional Analysis under the guidance of Sandra Wilson, MCC.
  • Graduated from the University of Essex of London with a Postgraduate Certificate in Forensic and Criminal Psychology, where she is continuing to a higher degree as an Internationally Certified Criminal Psychologist (CCP).
  • Lenka founded the organization GrowMe, which brings together specialists and experts in the field of mental health, psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry and coaching to help organizations create a psychologically safe work environment and employees to improve their ability to be perceptive and take care of their needs in a fast-paced, performance-oriented world.
  • Creates tailor-made educational, development and self-knowledge trainings and workshops for international organizations (Slovakia, UK, USA, Germany, Austria, Poland…), for the non-profit sector and civic associations, cooperates with international schools in Bratislava and the Czech Republic to create a curriculum focused on the individuality of each child. She is a member of the CoachingPlus group of experts, whose goal is the education of future psychologists, helping professionas, leaders and managers. She is actively involved in systemic improvements in the rehabilitation and re-education of convicted criminals and sex offenders for English detention facilities.
  • Lenka is a member of the Slovak Psychotherapeutic Society and a member of the International Coaching Federation.

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